“Show me the way you move and I will tell you who you are.”

Years of experience
+ 0

at international team building sessions

+ 0

approx. 20,000 unforgettable experiences now also online and individually available

now also online

and individually available

My name is JanPieter van Lieshout, also known as ‘the dancemaster’.

For over twenty-five years I have taken people, teams and organizations to a next level, using the DanceScan.

The words DanceScan and dancemaster can be daunting, as if you should be able to dance well. But the opposite is true: It is not about the dance, but about your spontaneous movement to the music.

It is not without reason that my motto is: “There are no mistakes, only variations.”


We experience exceptionally nice moments together. I would be happy to tell you more about this.

Online one-on-one DanceScan

You have the feeling that there is more to you than is currently visible. You are looking for the next step in self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-respect. You also need clear personal objectives and tools to achieve them. Then the online one-on-one dance scan is for you!

Group workshop Dancescan

You want to prepare a strategy session and readiness for change, resolve a (threatening) conflict or guide new employees on the path of personal growth in a leadership program The DancesScan group workshop on location is for you!

Power of Connection Event

You want an inspiration session or day for 50 to 500+ participants. Your intention is that it will be talked about with a smile for a long time to come. Laugh, learn, move, connect, refresh, wonder. The “Power of Connection” event is made for you.

What others think...

"A Dance Scan by JanPieter is a feast of wonder. With full and sincere attention he reads for you what may emerge from your own movement. I have experienced this several times and was incredibly grateful for his talent each time."
Susan Havermans,
NS Dutch Railways
"JanPieter is a special artist who, with his penetrating and razor-sharp analyzes of dance movements, inspires people, sets them in motion and, above all, holds up a mirror. The participants in the Lead our Future program (now in its 4th edition) have personally experienced that dance movements have an enormous contains a source of (emotional) information, which JanPieter can poetically bring back to the core of who someone is and where someone still has something to develop. An impressive experience every time."
Joost Manassen
Partner The Transformation Group Facilitator Leader our Future Program
"Our team's New Year's drinks took place online under the leadership of dance master #JanPietervanLieshout. His DanceScan really surprised us. It was very special to experience that team connection can be strengthened online. Even when there is minimal movement, JanPieter knows the feedback optimally and convey it respectfully. To conclude, he allowed us to experience the ability to use our 'white matter' and 'mirror neurons' in our brain. This allowed us to experience the non-verbal interpretation in depth a nice new experience."
Joke van Vught

JanPieter van Lieshout, the Dance Master about himself

As a young dance teacher and also as the owner of my danceschool, I really thought that my success would come from professional knowledge or ranking at the European or World Championships. But in the end it turned out not to be about that at all! It was about connecting people with their authenticity and from there in essential connection with others. This purpose became such a priority that at one point I even sold my dance school. I started studying emotional intelligence focused on the role of dance on the emotional development of people and especially in teams. That became my new life and the DanceScan plays an important role in it. To my surprise, I was soon invited into the international business community and also to organizations in the non-profit sector, NGOs and the public domain. There I was asked to lead the workshops in three languages: Dutch, English and German.